Yes, I'm still alive. 2012 was hectic with being both in school and working full time, 2 crazy dogs to take care of, and all the other things, something had to give and it was my blog (and my sewing time as well). But, here's to hoping that 2013 will run smoother and I'll be able to spend more time sewing and playing and be healthy and happy!
2012 crafty overview:
- 2 baby shower gift quilts
2012 Other overview:
- Backpacking trip to the Porcupine Mountains during a break week of school
- Seattle for a work conference
- Long weekend trip to Kentucky to enjoy the Bourbon Trail
- Long weekend to PA to visit the fam (which ended with me being sick the last day and on the flight back - boo!)
- Lost 47# by switching my eating habits (this really should get its own post later on, but Paleo totally works for me and I don't miss the pastas as much as I thought I would!)
- Got Mr. Lazydog out to Greenfield Village for Holiday nights (a huge accomplishment, as he doesn't like "touristy things" or being cold! Yes, he rocked that awesome Grinch hat the entire time we were there!)
2013 crafty goals (I came nowhere near what I wanted to do last year, so I'm going to try to be more realistic in my goals this time around):
- Work through the Sisters Ten BOM at Gen X Quilters. Making only 2 blocks per month should be more reasonable for me to just to decide on fabrics. I splurged and bought myself the full FQ bundle of Juggling Summer by Zen Chic. I think that may work out great for this quilt, but need to make a decision soon.
- Finish 2 WIP quilts (P2 quilt along and Slacker Star Signature Swap from the Quilt with Us online group
- Knit a scarf for my sister
- Complete a quilt for our bed. I saved up a bunch of Fat Quarter Shop gift certificates and bought the quilt kit for Festive Flurries quilt. I just learned a few months ago that one of my (newly retired) co-workers has a longarm quilting business and I am going to have her quilt that for me (and any others larger than a lap quilt - my last finish just about did me in!)
2013 Other goals
- Start a Masters Degree program. I would really like to be a nursing professor and this is the next step of the journey. I'm researching programs now and would like to start in the fall, if not sooner.
- Lose more weight and firm up...I've been adding weight lifting into my routine and have been taking more stairs at work (the pediatric ICUs are on the 10th floor of the hospital, so I'm getting familiar with the stair wells)
- Consider running a 5K in the fall. I've never been a runner so we'll see if I can get near this one, but I think that Sutton would do well as a running partner (and Cooper would enjoy the time alone!)